Rather than seeking to extract as much as we can from nature, we aim to protect and rejuvenate the land in our care.
The Awhi Way is about being connected to the land and everything that lives on it. To us, we’re all part of the same family – we give to the land, and it gives back to us.
'Awhi' means to embrace, support and nurture, which sums up the way we see our place in the world. The land nourishes us, and we treat the land and everything on it with care and respect. That’s because when nature flourishes, we all flourish.
We’re one of Aotearoa’s largest farmers, responsible for around 70,000 sheep, 4,000 beef cows, 700 dairy cows, 3,000 beehives and 728 hectares of woodlots on our family farms.
As kaitiaki of our whenua, it’s our duty to protect the vulnerable ecosystems and native flora and fauna on our 42,000 hectares of farmland, which run from Ohakune to Whanganui.